Delicious Buckwheat oat pancakes for 1


Screw it, I’m having pancakes for dinner!

This recipe is based off the buckwheat pancakes I posted a few days ago but in a single portion and its now gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free, low fructose and NO eggs!!  And I prefer them!  Yummy!  And so easy to make.


1/4 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup milk of your choice (I used ricemilk)
1/4 cup buckwheat flour
1 tsp aluminium free baking powder
Pinch of himalayan salt
1 T coconut oil (melted)
1 chia egg (1 T chia meal in 3 T water..sit for 5 mins in fridge)
1-2 T brown rice syrup
1/2 tsp xanthan gum (optional)

Coconut oil to cook

Pour milk into oats and sit for 10 minutes.  Add rest of ingredients except xanthan gum and mix.  Sprinkle in xanthan gum and stir a few times quickly.  The xanthan gum is optional.  This recipe should work without it but haven’t tried it yet.

Cook until golden brown on either side and serve with your choice of berries, syrup and yoghurt.  I had mine with maple and brown rice syrup and fresh tart plums from the garden.

Heat coconut oil in pan until hot and make 3 big round pancakes.  The mixture will be thick and easy to shape.
